Los pintores adscritos a la corriente impresionista inauguran la que será la primera ruptura pictórica del arte contemporáneo. Su voluntad artística puede ser resumida en un objetivo, en apariencia, poco ambicioso: captar la fugacidad de un instante. El color y, sobre todo, la luz, siempre cambiante, se convierten en el verdadero sujeto de la obra de arte. Los temas, extraídos del entorno inmediato del pintor, carecen de la ampulosa retórica de épocas pasadas, pero el resultado es de una gran sinceridad por su inmediatez y vibrante cromatismo. Los críticos, más atentos casi siempre a complacer el gusto dominante, no fueron capaces de intuir la profunda revolución pictórica que se cernía sobre el arte occidental. Los impresionistas, más un grupo de amigos o conocidos, que un movimiento artísticos fueron, no obstante, conscientes de su ambición y ruptura, aunque cada uno lo fuese a su manera.
Kiwi-Arts was founded after a long journey of visions.
One morning I awoke with a strong urge to experience paint. I wanted to feel the paint in my hands, I wanted to touch the brushes, and I wanted to mix colors all day long. I loved the feeling of paint on different surfaces. I developed a desire to apply paint, and scrape it off again, only to continue this process as visions began to reveal themselves. I studied art/painting at Spurill Art Center for the Arts in Atlanta Georgia under the direction of Chery Baird and started to fulfill my desires of freedom.
My paintings are painted by seeing beyond the image itself, and my desire to express freedom. All of my paintings are a spiritual journey and my hope is that my audience is able to feel this journey as they view my pieces.
My goal is to inspire others through my passion for life. My wish for you is to find peace within yourself, and that you listen to the small voice that is within us all. Share positive energy, and fuel others by it. Do not hold onto negative feelings, and express yourself through your given talents.
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