Friday, March 13, 2009

Georgia Featured Artist!

Yippee! I am the featured Georgia artist on this site. Please go visit - Great article! Thanks Jyl! Also, make a comment on the feature and you will be entered in the blog give away contest.

Thanks again Jyl for such a wonderul post on my Kiwi Arts. I can't wait to see the other GA artist you feature. I am honored to be among them! :-)


  1. How cool! I will have to check it out later today. I have to clean the house first or I will never get started.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Hey Jenn, I tried to leave you a comment today, but it would not let me click on anything - weird?? I am a little lost on your new page design, but I am sure I was hitting the right buttons. Just for some reason it would not let me respond. I LOVE your new background, and I love your new picture. :-)
    Kiwi Arts


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